Lentifect™ Lentivirus

GeneCopoeia’s Lentifect™ purified and ultra-purified lentivirus for in vitro and in vivo use are available either custom-made or pre-made. They are engineered for the transduction of nearly all mammalian cells, including difficult-to-transfect cells. To ensure the highest possible titer and quality, Lentifect™ lentivirus is produced from standardized protocols, with stringent quality control processes, which include sequence verification of the insert and qRT-PCR based titer estimation.
View transduction results of H1299 cells with Lentifect eGFP or mCherry lentivirus.
  • Convenience. Ready for transduction upon delivery.
  • High titer. ≥ 108 TU/ml, providing efficient transduction of virtually all mammalian cell types.
  • Versatility. Lentifect™ lentiviral particles can express nearly any GeneCopoeia clone type, including ORF cDNA (untagged or tagged), shRNA, sgRNA, miRNA and promoters.
  • Selection. Available in vectors with a wide variety of promoters, selection markers, and reporters.
NEW! GeneCopoeia also provides Lentifect™ Ultra-purified Lentivirus, which is subjected to further purification necessary for use in animal models.

Search all lentivirus products by gene ID or accession number

Custom Lentivirus

Lentifect™ Custom Lentivirus

Lentifect™ custom lentivirus production services are available for nearly any GeneCopoeia clone type, including:
Lenti-ORF cDNA
Choose GeneCopoeia’s transduction-ready lentivirus delivering ORF cDNA, with over 80 plasmids carrying a variety of combinations of promoter, selection marker and reporter gene.
Lentiviral ORF cDNA Plasmids
Promoter Selection Marker Reporter/Tag
CMV, EF1a, PGK, CAG, UBC Puromycin, neomycin, hygromycin, blasticidin. GFP, mCherry, YFP, CFP; His, flag, HA, myc, avi, halo, V5, luciferase.
Genome integration of CRISPR elements using lentivirus. Cas9 or sgRNA packed in purified lentiviral particles at 108 TU/ml, ready to infect all cell types.


Custom sgRNA Lentiviral Particles

Vector Promoter sgRNA and Cas9 Selection Marker/ Reporter Gene Vector Type Vector Map
pCRISPR-LvSG03 U6 sgRNA only Puromycin / mCherry Lentiviral get_info

Pre-made sgRNA Control Particles

Buy Catalog# Product Description Vector Price
Pre-made purified sgRNA control lentiviral particles
LP506-025 Purified Lentifect™ Lentiviral Particles of scrambled sgRNA control CCPCTR01-LvSG03 >1×108 TU/ml sgRNA control lentiviral particles ready for transduction, 25 µL (U6/T7/mCherry/Puro) pCRISPR-LvSG03 $307
LP506-100 Purified Lentifect™ Lentiviral Particles of scrambled sgRNA control CCPCTR01-LvSG03 >1×108 TU/ml sgRNA control lentiviral particles ready for transduction, 100 µL (U6/T7/mCherry/Puro) pCRISPR-LvSG03 $754

Pre-made Cas9 Nuclease Lentiviral Particles

Buy Catalog Product Name Description Price
LP601-100 Cas9 Nuclease Purified Lentifect™ Lentiviral Particles (100 µl x 1 vial) ≥1x108 TU/ml Cas9 nuclease lentiviral particles ready for transduction,100 µl (CMV/Neomycin) $754
LP602-100 Cas9 Nuclease Purified Lentifect™ Lentiviral Particles (100 µl x 1 vial) 1x106 - 1x107 TU/ml Cas9 nuclease lentiviral particles ready for transduction,100 µl (CMV/eGFP/Neomycin) $754
LP603-100 Cas9 Nuclease Purified Lentifect™ Lentiviral Particles (100 µl x 1 vial) ≥1x108 TU/ml Cas9 nuclease lentiviral particles ready for transduction,100 µl (EF1α/Puromycin) $754
LP604-100 Cas9 Nuclease Purified Lentifect™ Lentiviral Particles (100 µl x 1 vial) ≥1x108 TU/ml Cas9 nuclease lentiviral particles ready for transduction,100 µl (EF1α/eGFP/Neomycin) $754
LP605-100 Cas9 Nuclease Purified Lentifect™ Lentiviral Particles (100 µl x 1 vial) ≥1x108 TU/ml Cas9 nuclease lentiviral particles ready for transduction,100 µl (EF1α/eGFP/Hygromycin) $754
Transduction-ready lentivirus delivering shRNA of varying lengths (19 to 29 bases) that were designed using a proprietary algorithm to make shRNA expression constructs that have high knockdown efficiency with minimal off-target effect.

Promoters of your choice

shRNA driven by pol III promoters (H1, U6) or pol II promoters (CMV, EF1a, CAG and CBh), both with great knockdown efficiency. Request a quote for pol II promoter-driven shRNA lentivirus or AAV services. pol III promoter-driven shRNA pol II promoter-driven shRNA

Vector Promoter Selection Marker Reporter Gene Viral type
psi-LVRH1GP H1 Puromycin eGFP HIV
psi-LVRU6GP U6 Puromycin eGFP HIV
psi-LVRH1MP H1 Puromycin mCherry HIV
psi-LVRU6MP U6 Puromycin mCherry HIV
psi-LVRH1P H1 Puromycin N/A HIV
psi-LVRU6P U6 Puromycin N/A HIV
psi-LVRU6GH U6 Hygromycin EGFP HIV
psi-LVRH1GH H1 Hygromycin EGFP HIV
psi-LVRU6MH U6 Hygromycin mCherry HIV
psi-LVRH1MH H1 Hygromycin mCherry HIV
psi-LVRU6H U6 Hygromycin N/A HIV
psi-LVRH1H H1 Hygromycin N/A HIV
psi-LVE001 CMV Puromycin eGFP HIV
psi-LVE002 CMV Puromycin mCherry HIV
psi-LVE003 EF1a Puromycin eGFP HIV
psi-LVE004 EF1a Puromycin mCherry HIV

Request a quote for pol II promoter-driven shRNA lentivirus services.

GeneCopoeia’s promoter lentivirus make your studies in gene regulation easier! Evaluate the performance of your promoter by the activation of reporter gene expression, including Gaussia luciferase, GFP and mCherry.

Lentiviral Promoter Plasmids
Reporter Gene Tracking Gene Selection Marker
Gaussia luciferase, eGFP, mCherry, td Tomato Secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP), N/A Puromycin
To order custom Lentifect™ purified lentiviral particles visit our search page.

Lentiviral vectors are potent vehicles for delivery of genes into a wide range of cell types including difficult-to-transfect cells. Lentiviral particles transduce cells and integrate into the host genome in dividing and post-mitotic cells resulting in long-term expression of the transgene in vitro. Producing, concentrating and titrating lentiviral particles, however, is time consuming and requires some experience to achieve high titers and consistent results. GeneCopoeia’s Lentifect™ purified lentiviral particles save you time and effort, and provide high-level expression of genetic elements of interest (Figure 1).

Transduction of H1299 cells with GeneCopoeia’s Lentifect™ lentiviral particles expressing eGFP.

Figure 1. H1299 cells in 24-well plates were transduced with the indicated amounts of eGFP purified particles, (catalog number LP303) in the presence of 5 µg/ml of polybrene. The expression of eGFP was visualized with a fluorescence microscope 72 hours post-transduction.

Transduction of H1299 cells with GeneCopoeia’s Lentifect™ lentiviral particles expressing mCherry.
Figure 2. H1299 cells in 24-well plates were transduced with the indicated amounts of mCherry purified particles, (catalog number LP151) in the presence of 5 µg/ml of polybrene. The expression of mCherry was visualized with a fluorescence microscope 72 hours post-transduction.