BlazeTaq™ SYBR Green One-Step RT-qPCR kit is based on quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) that uses RNA as the starting material. It offers a convenient master mix to convert RNA to DNA and quantify in a one-step reaction. The kit is supplied with reverse transcriptase and a 5X master mix with a hot-start Taq DNA polymerase, dNTP and all required buffer components. Tests show that the BlazeTaq™ SYBR Green One-Step RT-qPCR kit is compatible with diverse real-time PCR instruments and outperforms competitors’ products on the sensitivity and specificity of RNA detection.

- High sensitivity- accurate detection of target RNA from as little as 1 pg RNA extract
- High specificity, with the minimal level of primer-dimer and non-specific product formation
- High amplification efficiency over wide GC-content range
Product details
BlazeTaq™ One-Step SYBR® Green RT-qPCR kit uses a reverse transcriptase to convert RNA to cDNA, and an antibody-modified Taq DNA polymerase to avoid polymerase activity prior to thermal cycling. Upon heating to 95 ºC for 3 min, the antibody dissociates and full activity of the Taq polymerase is restored. Also, the optimized buffer system allows high amplification efficiency and specificity, as well as enhanced sensitivity of real time PCR reactions over a wide range of templates. Check out the performance comparison of BlazeTaq™ One-Step RT-qPCR kit with competitors’ kits.
- One-step reaction to quantify the relative amount of RNA
- Hot-start polymerase and optimized buffer system to reduce non-specific reactions
- Available with or without ROX, allowing compatibility with all commonly used qPCR instruments
Figure 1. Analysis of the level of GAPDH and Actin in RNA extract from HeLa cells. A. Amplification curves of GAPDH and Actin respectively in HeLa cells RNA extract ranging from 100 ng to 0.1 pg; B. Amplification curves of GAPDH and Actin respectively in HeLa cells RNA extract ranging from 100 ng to 0.1 pg;C. Melting curves of the amplified fragments of GAPDH (red) and Actin (blue).

Figure 2. Comparison of the performance of BlazeTaq™ RT-qPCR kit with competitor’s product. A. Amplification curves of GAPDH in HeLa cells RNA extract ranging from 100 ng to 0.1 pg with BlazeTaq™ (red) and Competitor T’s kit (blue); B. Amplification curves of Actin in HeLa cells RNA extract ranging from 100 ng to 0.1 pg with BlazeTaq™ (red) and Competitor T’s kit (blue).

Figure 3. Comparison of the performance of BlazeTaq™ RT-qPCR kit with competitor’s product. A. Amplification curves of GAPDH in HeLa cells RNA extract ranging from 100 ng to 0.1 pg with BlazeTaq™ (red) and Competitor P’s kit (blue); B. Melting curves of amplified fragments of GAPDH with BlazeTaq™ (red) and Competitor P kit (blue). The peak shows non-specific amplification from competitor P’s kit.