Manuals, Protocols, and MSDS

Clone datasheets are typically emailed upon shipment. If you did not receive the datasheet(s) for your order, please check your spam or junk email and/or with the person who placed the order. You may also complete the following online form here or email for data requests. A Datasheet Access system for budget-friendly ORF and miRNA clones is also available. For all other kit and reagent manuals and clone protocols, please find them below.

Clones ORF cDNA
Brand Name Product Name Catalog Number Manual/Datasheet MSDS




GeneCopoeia Full-Length cDNA Clones FL
ORFEXPRESS™ Gateway® PLUS Shuttle Clones GC-
ORFeome Collaboration Clones in Gateway® Entry Vector HOC / MOC
OmicsLink™ Expression Ready ORF cDNA Clones EX-
OmicsLink™ Expression Ready ORF Lentiviral cDNA Clones EX-_____-Lv
  miRNA 3’UTR target
Brand Name Product Name Catalog Number Manual/Datasheet MSDS
miTarget™ miTarget™ MicroRNA 3′ UTR Target Clones HmiT / MmiT / RmiT N/A
  miRNA inhibitor
Brand Name Product Name Catalog Number Manual/Datasheet MSDS
miArrest™ miArrest™ MicroRNA Inhibitors HmiR-AN / MmiR-AN / RmiR-AN
  miRNA mimic
Brand Name Product Name Catalog Number Manual/Datasheet MSDS
miExpress™ miExpress™ MicroRNA mimics HmiR-SN / MmiR-SN / RmiR-SN
  Promoter Reporter
Brand Name Product Name Catalog Number Manual/Datasheet MSDS
GLuc-ON™  GLuc-ON™ Promoter Reporter Clones HPRM / MPRM N/A
Brand Name Product Name Catalog Number Manual/Datasheet MSDS
OmicsLink OmicsLink™ shRNA Clone Collections HSH / MSH / RSH N/A
  siRNA oligos
Product Name Catalog Number Manual/Datasheet MSDS
siRNA oligos Hsi / Msi / Rsi
Brand Name Product Name Catalog Number Manual/Datasheet MSDS
GeneHero GeneHero™ Cas9 and sgRNA Clone Collections HCP / MCP / RCP
Brand Name Product Name Catalog Number Manual/Datasheet MSDS
Genome-TALER Genome-TALER™ TALEN Clone Collections HTN / HTF / MTN / MTF / RTN / RTF N/A